Peak Health Aquatic Center Club Sports
The Peak Health Aquatic Center at Mylan Park located in Morgantown, WV, is the home of Multiple Aquatic Club Sports including…
- Club Mountaineer
- US Master Swim League
- West Virginia Diving Academy

Club Mountaineer is a USA Swimming-affiliated youth swim team that offers year-round competitive and non-competitive opportunities for ages 5 and up
Who should join?
Young swimmers who love to swim and are interested in taking their skills to the next level! If your child is at least 5 years old and can swim 25 yards (across the length of one lane) they may be ready for an advanced swim program like Club Mountaineer.
Our Mission:
Club Mountaineer is committed to helping each swimmer achieve his or her highest desired potential in a safe and healthy environment, building skills that last a lifetime. We promote dedication and discipline while providing a fun yet challenging program in which to increase fitness level, improve stroke technique and develop proper race strategy.
About our Program:
Swimmers train for many reasons: to improve their strokes, to increase their health and level of conditioning, and to compete. While we do not require competition, we firmly believe in the value of the competition for all levels. Racing is fun and it offers an incentive to attend practice and train hard. In addition, racing provides a myriad of learning opportunities, both in and out of the water. We encourage parents to enter their swimmers in meets as soon as they are ready.

Please contact Head Coach and Team Manager Renee Riggs. Please provide your swimmer’s name, birthdate, swim experience, and contact information.

Monday & Wednesdays 7:30 PM – 9 PM
This program is for those over 18 years old who are skilled in swimming and would like to continue for recreational exercise, stroke technique, endurance, and overall improvement. It allows participants to work towards their time-specific goals and technique goals. This league also allows people to connect with others who enjoy the sport of swimming!
Participant(s) will learn…
- Expanded workout opportunities
- About provided training tools and development
- Stroke development
- Stroke Refinement
- Competitive training: Starts and finishes, flip turns, and more
Requires membership with U.S. Masters Swimming to participate. Prior swimming experience is encouraged.
Please contact The Aquatic Program Coordinator, Miranda Buiter. Please provide your swimmer’s name, birthdate, swim experience, and contact information.